I'm sensitive, please be nice.

I'm sensitive, please be nice.

Zhen Chen

I actually would like to call it diary. Blog is too technical to me, it is cold.

What I am doing is art. Well, fine, but what is art?

Had a short conversation with chatgpt. Now I understand that art is not just about self-expression. As a matter of fact, art is a bidirectional activity. On one hand, I can't hold expressing myself. In the process of creation, I am self-centered. One the other hand, deep in my mind, there is another voice of me calling for attention. An art is an art only when this circle of interaction is fulfilled.

I think it is because human is lonely. One cannot have truely pease if he or she gets no feedback from outside. I realise that I was wrong for a long time. I care only about myself, which is shallow. If I shall call myself an artist, I will have to listen to voices from others. An artist should be able to take any criticism and hatred, and feedback using his or her art.


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